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Discover our custom pricing options tailored to each project. Share your team's requirements with us to begin.

Ready for a Quote? Tell Us Your Needs

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Straightforward Pricing
No weird per-project pricing, all of our plans offer a flat monthly rate for your entire team.
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Direct Consultation
We work together with your team to carefully understand how each automation should work.
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Hands-On Training
When your automations are ready, we'll provide full training sessions to get you up and running.
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Dedicated Support
Your dedicated Ontraccr service manager will always be available to assist you.
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Maximize Your Profit with Ontraccr

This calculator is designed to help you realize the benefits of investing in Ontraccr for your organization. By deploying an all-in-one business tool that your teams can use across the field and the office, you can take your business to the next level.
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We're with you every step of the way

We invest heavily in the success of our customers, from onboarding to ongoing use of our platform, ensuring that you always have dedicated resources to help you as you grow.

Hands-On Training
Hands-On Training
In-App Resources
In-App Resources
Dedicated Support
Dedicated Support

Lets get in touch!

Unlike all the one-size-fits-all construction software solutions out there, Ontraccr can be uniquely tailored to match your exact needs. No need to fit the software, the software fits you.

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