Creating marketing assets for your business is crucial in attracting customers and ultimately turning a profit. As a construction business owner, manager, or supervisor, you understand that your team does lots of great work. However, without effective ways to market your business, you might not be maximizing the amount of exposure to clients that your business could potentially bring.
In this article, I will discuss 3 ways to market your construction business effectively at little to no cost. With these methods, you will soon be reaching a new audience of customers to create more revenue for you and your company.
1. Create a refreshing and attractive website
The very first thing you should do, if you haven't already, is to create a website for your business. This is the most important asset as, without a fresh website, your customers have no place to check out your projects and get to know your company.
While you can create a free website, I would recommend setting aside a bit of money towards a paid website. A paid website can make a huge difference in your customer's experience and you want to ensure that your customers will have an effortless experience on your site.
If you are tech savvy, I would recommend creating your own site with website builders such as Wix or Wordpress. By customizing the site on your own, you can create it to be exactly how you envisioned it and showcase your best projects. Furthermore, if you would like to make changes to your website in the future, it is much easier to do this on your own.
If you don't have the time to learn about website creation, that's ok as there are plenty of opportunities to hire someone to create your website for you at a small cost. The priority is getting your company's website created no matter what.
What your construction website should include
Testimonials should also be an important part of your site. By asking your past customers to have an interview to discuss the work you have done for them, you can add these great quotes to your site. Testimonials create more authenticity to your website and potential customers can feel confident in picking your company when they know you have done a great job for others.
The final aspect I would recommend adding to your website is a blog. This blog can include any content that is relevant to your customers or potential investors. You can write blogs that outline past projects and describe them in detail. You can also talk about construction news or provide insider knowledge that you may have. A blog does not have to be hard work either, you can spend an hour quickly outlining a project that you have first hand knowledge in to further promote the great work your company has done. A blog is great as it creates a place for your customers to interact. Once again, it can build trust in your customers if they see that your business is knowledgeable in the field of construction and gets the job done properly.
Pro tip: ensure that the website is mobile friendly. Web traffic from phones takes up a large amount of all web traffic so it is important that you can provide a clean and easy-to-navigate mobile website.
2. Add social media to your digital marketing strategy
There are plenty of social media platforms out there and you need to find the ones that make the most sense for your demographic. For construction, the best platforms would be Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. Having accounts for all these platforms ensures that you will targeting all potential audiences. Experiment with each of these and see which ones produce the best results for your company.
From a content perspective, you want to post about a variety of things. While social media can be time consuming at times, it's important to have content in mind that you would like to post. For example, you should be posting photos and videos of all your successful projects. Social media is a great way to quickly catch the eye of a potential customer after a job well done.
Other pieces of content you could post is other construction news, posting about holidays, testimonial pieces, and anything else you would consider relevant to your audience.
Not only can you use social media to post past projects and other content, you can use it to engage with customers or other people who are interested in construction. Always respond or react to comments made on your posts as it shows your company is active and willing to engage with customers. Furthermore, comment on pages for the tools you use. If you use a particular software for your company, engage with that software's social media pages. By doing this, others can see your comments and check out your business as well. You can become a brand that is noticeable and when people need a service done, they will think of your company first.
If you don't have time to manage your social media accounts, consider hiring a student or designating someone on your team to do it. There are many students out there who are looking for opportunities to run social media pages to boost their resumes so you might be able to find someone willing to do it for free.
Pro tip: With your clean and innovative website, make sure you link it in your social media bios and posts. You have this website as an asset and when posting engaging content, you can always direct people to your site.
3. Use google/social ads to increase brand awareness and leads
If you are willing to spend some money to create ads that can help build awareness for your brand and drive more customers to your website, online ads are the perfect place to start. These online ads do require a link to direct customers and your website can be the perfect link for that.
Google ads provide a variety of ad types including search ads. With search ads, you can target an audience that is within your region and looking for services that you provide. For example, if someone searches "electrical company in Seattle," your search ad will pop up, giving them the option to check out your website and be the solution that a customer is looking for.
Social ads are another avenue worth exploring. Once you have created accounts for social media platforms, many platforms allow for sponsored content which gets promoted to an audience that you specify. It is different to google search ads as you can add photos and brief descriptions. So, if you were to promote on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, you can add a before and after photo of a successful project. You may also caption it to show the audience you choose what a great job your company is doing. These social ads can create some strong leads for you and your company and it is no harder than just posting on your social media feed.
Pro top: If you have videos that you would like to showcase, add them into social ads. The longer a person will view your video, the stronger the lead could be. Moreover, you can use the video on the landing page for your google search ad so that it can be the first thing a customer sees.
Online marketing is what your construction company needs today
With so many people using google to search for companies that can fix or build things for them, it goes to show how important a presence on the internet and social media is. Not only will you be able to get a leg up on your competition if you can effectively showcase your company, you will also be the first brand that comes to mind when someone needs a construction job done. As noted in the beginning of the article, creating a website is the first step you should be taking and from there, you can build a large supply of content that will attract more and more customers for your business.
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