Ontraccr Blog
Articles written by the Ontraccr team to help you take your construction business to the next level.
Field Management Workflow Automation (3)
5 Key Elements of a Successful Safety Program
Simply just having a safety program is not enough to ensure that it is successful. It requires...
Toolbox Safety Talks - 10 Topics You Should Be Discussing
There is a tremendous need to focus on safety in construction and one of the biggest...
The Importance of Emotional Intelligence in Construction
You might not consider emotional intelligence to be a requirement for the construction...
5 Ways Data Can Help Construction Businesses
While many people think of construction as a field that's been slow to adopt new technologies...
The Evolution of Collaboration in Construction
Collaboration is essential to the success of your construction business, but what does that...
How the Cloud Is Transforming Construction
5 Steps to Successfully Introduce New Technology to Your Team
4 Ways to Attract & Retain Young Construction Talent
Young talent is very tough to come by in construction these days. The emphasis on college...
5 Steps for Creating an Effective Construction Communication Plan
Communication (or lack thereof) in a construction project directly contributes to how much...
4 Key Strategies Used by Successful Construction Project Managers
For those of you who are familiar with project management, you know all too well that the role...